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Tutti i contenuti di Vespa_Katta

  1. Find all news for Vespa World days 2017 at If you have any questions, please use Contact Vespa World Days 2017 We help as good as possible
  2. Hell again, you can switch to any language now! Please help us to improve the Italian translation to make the information useful for all Italian Vespa Fans who don not understand German. You can directly correct within the site translator. Thank you!
  3. Hello, check out first information on the Vespa-World-Days 2017 in Celle. An English version is coming soon. The information will stay up to date if there are any news. Try also the Google Translation.
  4. Ciao, Vorrei sapere quali sono le lampade fanale posteriore ha la HP4. Gracie!
  5. Per V50 la banana non è male. E quando i pneumatici Heidenau K58
  6. si potrebbe un albero motore da corsa e montare uno scarico racing
  7. Hallo Freunde der stilvollen Fortbewegung, im Juli gibt es in Travemünde während der Travemünder Woche einen Teilemarkt für Vespa Blechroller. Kommt doch vorbei, das wird bestimmt gut! Alle Infos dazu findet Ihr unter

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