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  1. AtLarge


    Hello Antonio! I am from the US not the old country. I hope we can still be friends though. I ride a Bajaj which is kind of like a Vespa. I have it in my garage now with a cover over it as we got our first shot of snow yesterday. 3 inches and 9º this morning. No more scooting for me probably until April.
  2. I did try Powderscooters and struck out but not the other two. I'll shoot them an email next. All-Styles hasn't answered yet. I made a post on and tried a MC forum in India so I'm working every avenue I can. Thanks for the input. If you come up with more names let me know.
  3. That's exactly the way my english is too. We'll do. Thanx for the offer! BTW. I did contact Eddy Bullet and as luck would have it he sold his last one over a month ago so I'm too late.
  4. Sorry, Emilio but that's all I have. I hope I didn't post something rude. Without a menu in front of me at the local "Olive Garden" I'm totally useless. I am learning though! I appreciate the tip on Eddy Bullet. I'll give them a shout out too and see if they are of any help. I have seen the Cuppini model as pictured but I don't want to lose my tire carrier or rack that I have now. Thank you Guys and I appreciate the extra post Marben.
  5. Greetings from the US! I am looking for grab bars or grab rails to fit my Bajaj Chetak. If someone has a used set they would be willing to sell please contact me. If you know a vendor in your country that has them for sale please provide me a link or contact information so I may reach them. I have exhausted all my resources from here. This attachment is an example of what I am looking for. Hopefully, the gracious Marben won't mind me using his picture. If I posted this in the wrong forum I apologize and the Moderators may move it. Ciao! Saluti dagli Stati Uniti! Sto cercando le barre di gru a benna o afferro le rotaie per misura il mio Bajaj Chetak. Se qualcuno ha un insieme usato sarebbero disposte a vendere prego se lo mettono in contatto con. Se conoscete un fornitore nel vostro paese che le fa prego fornirmi per la vendita un collegamento o informazioni del contatto in modo da posso raggiungerlo. Ho esaurito tutte le mie risorse di qui. Questo collegamento è un esempio di che cosa sto cercando. Eventualmente, il Marben gentile won' la t se lo occupa di che usando la sua immagine. Se inviassi questo nella tribuna che errata chiedo scusa ed i moderatori possono spostarli. Ciao!

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