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  1. 245luigi

    Hello Everyone

    Damn! Thank you so much. It has been fitted with a Polini 177 and I will put a Polini box or SIP Road 2 on it. Will this cause a failure when getting the revisione?
  2. 245luigi

    Hello Everyone

    I don't think I have a libretto? The only document is a carta di circolazione, but I see this "Revisione effetuata con esito *REGOLARE* Data 22.05.2018 (CTA#########) SILENZ.: ASP. 3884 S SCAR. 32444S". Uh oh lol
  3. 245luigi

    Hello Everyone

    Grazie mille per tutte l'informazione. For parts I must stay local because I do not have the luxury of time. I am usually only in Sicily 2 - 4 weeks in the summer and would rather ride than wrench ha! Wow I did not know about the revisione. Do they send me something in the mail? What is the penalty if I don't do it? The carro attrezi takes my bike?
  4. 245luigi

    Hello Everyone

    Also, is there anything I need to know about keeping the scooter in Italy? I have the "title" (Carta di Circolazione), I have insurance, and I am registered in Vespa Club Catania. Do I need to have emissions checked ever? Is there any fees I pay ("registration" in the US, usually you pay the state every year or two years)?
  5. 245luigi

    Hello Everyone

    Hello, my name is Alex/Alessandro. I am a vintage Vespa rider in the USA for 10 years now. I am also Italo-Americano. My family came from/lives in Catania. I visit every summer. Last year I bought a 79 P150X to keep in Catania. Unfortunately it needs works that I did not expect when I bought it Oh well this is how vintage scooter life is lol. Nevertheless I am so excited to actually ride in Sicily. I have thousands of questions, mostly trying to figure out things that I can easily do myself in the US but are unfamiliar to me in Italy. In Italy it is so common to see Vespa mechanics and part sellers. Its amazing. What kind of things can I expect the part sellers to have and not to have in the store? If I go to a mechanic, what is a typical turn around time? Are there any kind of shows/markets where I can find used parts? Where do I go if I need bulbs, transmission oil, carb cleaner, 2T oil, grease? Where can I get tires and get them mounted (previous owner put on FA Italia tubeless rims). Grazie ragazzi!

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