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Su norman3

  • Compleanno 03/05/1968

Informazioni Personali

  • Città
    Castellon (Spain)
  • Le mie Vespe
    LML 125 4T

norman3's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Reputazione Forum

  1. norman3


  2. Poi ho sostituito le gomme Nylogrip per circa Bridgestone ML50 u e la differenza è enorme. Sicuramente un'altra moto. Raccomando
  3. Ciao a tutti. LML Star I 4T sono uno solo per un paio di settimane e ho letto che il pneumatico è Nylogrip standard che non sono di qualità molto buona, ma non ho alcuna scossa in questi giorni. Pensano che vale la pena di cambiarle? Che cosa indossi? Oltre al km 500 e devono passare la prima recensione. Pensi che sia necessario così presto? Mi dispiace per le traduzioni, scrivendo dalla Spagna e utilizzare il traduttore di Google e non italiano.
  4. norman3

    vivo scooters

    Well, after more than six months, recently I've received a mail telling me that my order have been dispatched and in a few days I'll receive it. I think it's a happy end and a little hope to many people that continue waiting their order to arrive from Vivo. Greetings from Spain
  5. norman3

    vivo scooters

    Hello, Sorry for not to speak italian, but I hope you understand me. Be quiet with this shop. They don't answer emails, and they don't send any parcel after they have your money. I've read people who has been waiting until 1 year after pay the order. In my case, I am waiting 4 months and I don't know any new about them. So..., in order to avoid problems, I advice you to choose another option. Classic Restored Vespas from Vivo Scooters Edinburgh UK
  6. Anyone knows if this rear chrome rack fits for a Classic SL model??? Motor Scooter Parts Store Thanks
  7. the link of otrebor is interesting because my switch desn't works fine, so anybody knows where can I get any new switchers for my Classic SL with electric starter???
  8. Hi Marben, The horn, indicators and brake light works fine. But if i press the starter button it don't make any sound. I'll check the selector box or the fuses that you tell me. Thanks for helping !!!
  9. Marben, yes, my Bajaj Classic has electric starter, but it doesn't works ! I changed battery but the problem already exists.
  10. Hello. I drop this lines from Spain. Sorry for unknown italian language, but I found some useful info about Bajaj in your forum. This is my Bajaj Classic 125 SL. I'll try to customize it soon, so some idea will be welcome !!! Greetings from Spain

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